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6 - Block Shoot Sign up 8:00am starts at 10:00am
20 - Block Shoot Sign up 8:00am starts at 10:00am
25 - BOD MEETING 6:00pm
25 - Membership Meeting 7:00pm



3 - Block Shoot Sign up 8:00am starts at 10:00am

17 - Block Shoot Sign up 8:00am starts at10:00am

22 - BOD (6:00pm)

22 - Membership Meeting (7:00pm)

25 - Varmint Shoot 100 & 200 yard 10:30am

2 - Block Shoot Sign up 8:00am starts at 10:00am
10 - Mystery Card Shoot 200 yard 10:30am
16 - Block Shoot Sign up 8:00am starts at 10:00am
17 - Varmint Shoot 100 & 200 yard 10:30am
23 - Basic Concealed Carry, 9am to 5pm by John Davis
28 - BOD meeting 6:00pm
28- Membership Meeting 7:00pm



6 - 22 Bench Rest Shoot 100 yard 10:30am

7 - Golf Ball Shoot 22LR 10:30am

13 - 22LR Bench Rest Shoot 50 yard 10:30am

14 - Varmint shoot 200 yard 10:30am

21- Military Shoot 10:30am

25 - BOD Meeting 6:00pm

25 - Membership Meeting 7:00pm

27- Money Shoot 10:00am

28 - Centerfire Golf Ball Shoot 200 yard 10:30am

4 - 22 Bench Rest Shoot 100 yard 10:30
5 - Varmint Shoot 100 & 200 yard 10:30am
11 - Money Shoot 10:00am
18 - Woman only Basic Concealed Carry
        9am to 5pm by John Davis
19 - Golf Ball Shoot 22Ir 10:30am
23 - BOD Meeting 6:00pm
23 - Membership Meeting 7:00pm
25 - Money Shoot 10:00am
26 - 22LR Bench Rest Shoot 50 yard 10:30am


1 - 22LR bench Rest Shoot 100 yard 10:30am

2 - Varmint Shoot 100 & 200 yard 10:30am

8 - Money Shoot 10:00am

9 -  22LR Mystery Card Shoot 100 yard 10:30am

15 - 22LR Bench Rest Shoot 50 yard 10:30am

22 - Money Shoot 10:00am

23 - Golf Ball Shoot 22LR 10:30am

27 - BOD Meeting 6:00pm

27 - Membership Meeting 7:00pm

30 - Centerfire Golf Ball Shoot 200 yard 10:30am (was originally on the schedule as a 22LR Bench Rest Shoot)

6 - 22LR Bench Rest Shoot 100 yard 10:30am
7 - Pistol Shoot 10:30am
13 - Money Shoot 10:00am
14 - Varmint Shoot 200 yard 10:30am
20 - Basic Concealed Carry,9am to 5pm by John Davis
21 - 22LR Bench Rest Shoot 50 yard 12 NOON (was originally on the schedule for 10:30am)
25 - BOD Meeting 6:00pm
25 - Membership Meeting 7:00pm
27 - Money Shoot 10:00am
28 - Centerfire Golf Ball Shoot 200 yard 10:30am (was originally on the schedule as a 22LR Bench Rest Shoot)



3 - 22LR Bench Rest Shoot 100 yard 10:30am

4 - 22LR Varmint Shoot 100 yard 12 NOON (was originally on the schedule as a 22LR Rack Shoot & was at 10:30am)

10 - Money Shoot 10:00am

11 - Varmint Shoot 200 YARD ONLY10:30am (was originally on the schedule as a 100 & 200 yard shoot)

17 - Block Shoot Sign up 8:00am starts @ 10:00am (was originally on the schedule as a 22LR Golf Ball Shoot)

18 - Military Shoot 10:30am

22 - BOD Meeting 6:00pm

22 - Membership Meeting 7:00pm

24 - Money Shoot 10:00am

25 - 22LR Golf Ball Shoot 100 yard 12:00 NOON (was originally on the schedule as a 22LR Bench Rest Shoot)

1 - Varmint Shoot 100 & 200 yard 10:30am
7 - Block Shoot Sign up 8:00am starts @ 10:00am (was originally on the schedule as a 22LR Bench Rest Shoot)
8 - Pistol Shoot 10:30am
14 - Money Shoot 10:00am
15 - 22LR Bench Rest Shoot 50 yard 12 NOON (was originally on the schedule for 10:30am)
21- Woman only Basic Concealed Carry
       9am to 5pm by John Davis
22 - 22LR Golf Ball Shoot 12 NOON (was originally on the schedule for 10:30am)
26 - BOD Meeting 6:00pm
26 - Membership Meeting 7:00pm
28 - Money Shoot 10:00am
29 - 22LR Bench Rest Shoot 100 yards 12:00 NOON (time change)



5 - Block Shoot Sign up 8:00am starts at 10:00am (was originally on the schedule as a 22LR Bench Rest Shoot)

6 - Varmint Shoot 200 yard 10:30am

12 - Block Shoot Sign up 8:00am starts at 10:00am

13 - 22LR Bench Rest Shoot 50 yard 10:30am

19 - Advanced Concealed Carry, 9am to 5pm by John Davis

20 - Military Shoot 10:30am (Shoot added)

20 - 22LR Golf Ball Shoot 100 yard 12:00 NOON (time change)

24 - BOD Meeting 6:00pm

24 - Membership Meeting (Nomination of Officers) 7:00pm

26 - Block Shoot Sign up 8:00am starts at 10:00am

27 - 22LR Bench Rest Shoot 50 yard 10:30am

9 - Block Shoot Sign up 8:00am starts at 10:00am
21 - BOD Meeting 6:00pm
21- Membership Meeting (Election of Officers) 7:00pm


19 - BOD Meeting 6:00pm

19 - Membership Meeting 7:00pm

31 - Membership Expires!

*All Block shoots 22 range closed*

FOR MORE INFO CALL: 717-632-2540

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